Since this is my first blog, I thought I should just introduce myself and the explain why I decided to venture into this confusing realm of personal expression through the internet. I was actually inspired by the movie Julie&Julia. (You know the one where Amy Adams sets this challenge for herself to cook every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook and blogs about it). Because I want some practice writing, and because I thought it sounded fun, I decided to make a blog for my summer in San Francisco. I am an aspiring ballet dancer, and I'm going to be attending the San Francisco Ballet's summer intensive training program in a couple weeks. So I get to live in San Fran for 5 weeks! I'm planning on blogging about ballet in general, being a tourist in San Fran, plus other random summery stuff. Like food and fashion and makeup and movies. Fun stuff.
Well, I highly doubt anyone's reading this right
With love, Serendipity
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