Thursday, June 30, 2011


50s dress
I'm in San Francisco!! I got settled in the dorms and met my roommate.  She is so sweet; she is from Japan and still learning English.  I never realized just how poorly I speak English; I need to get rid of the "likes" and stop slurring words together so I can help her understand better!  I am amazed at how brave she is to spend a whole summer in a foreign country...

Before I checked into the dorms, I got to check one of my destinations of the list!  My mom took us to Haight-Ashbury, a location that was the heart of the 1960s hippie movement.  It's a district in San Fran that is considered the iconic center of American counterculture. 
strange i know....

It is actually a very picturesque neighborhood.  It has a bohemian feel, and there are a lot of interesting stores.  I went a vintage store that was categorized by time period and I found these amazing dresses that were supposedly '80s "valley girl".   Then we found this adorable dress shop that was filled with these sailor-style/ '50s clothes that looked like they came right out of Back to the Future! I wonder if the people who work at these stores just hated me; I had a blast trying on a million dresses but didn't buy anything.......

The best came last- we wandered into this outlet-style store called Crossroads Exchange and found a bunch of used name-brand stuff for super cheap! I bought an Andrew Marc coat for 27 dollars (actually I didn't know who he was before, but the coat is beautiful).  I thought it would be perfect for the summer...why a coat for the summer? Because it is freezing here! It was 50 degrees yesterday! I'm going to have to get used to this strange weather....


  1. HAHA sounds awesome didn't know it was so cold :(

  2. I know the weather is SO ANNOYING! its so foggy!!!
